Healeat – Where every bite is a step towards wellness

    • Docenti:

      Fabrizio Zerbini

    • Studenti:

      Alessandro Padovan, Alexandra Gabriella Valad, Anastasia Koutoula, Cai Zengyao, Gianandrea De Cristofaro, Lingye Zhu, Luisa Cerra, Marika Mari

    Group name: Group10 - here is the video

    In response to the escalating global prevalence of autoimmune diseases, chronic illnesses, obesity, allergies, intolerances, stress, and mental health issues, Healeat, a new supermarket concept, is designed for individuals grappling with these health challenges. Recognizing the profound impact of nutrition on well-being, Healeat aims to address these specific health concerns by providing a tailored and supportive shopping environment.

    Healeat's specialized app

    To further enhance the shopping experience, Healeat's specialized app provides personalized guidance, aisle navigation, and recipe recommendations tailored to individual health needs. The app also features sections such as 'Other Users Have Bought', considering the specific nutritional needs of each person.

    Healeat's key infrastructure elements

    Key infrastructure elements include wheelchair ramps, elevators, accessible checkouts, and shopping carts equipped with built-in seats and magnifying glasses. The specialized product offering encompasses clear allergen labeling, gluten-free, organic, non-toxic, lactose-free, and sugar-free options, providing a comprehensive range to suit diverse dietary needs.

    Healeat: for an holistic well-being

    At the heart of the approach is a commitment to holistic well-being. Healeat offers a blend of features, including a dedicated wellness room, an on-site cafe, and the availability of in-store nutritionists and psychologists. The commitment extends to expert counseling services, with on-site nutritionists and pharmacists, personal shopping assistance, and ongoing supportive staff training. The supermarket app not only streamlines the search process but also serves as a hub for community-building initiatives. The inclusive community-oriented approach involves hosting cooking workshops tailored to different diseases, providing a cafe space for sharing experiences, and dedicating a wellness room for meditation and mindfulness. Additionally, Healeat plans to host events with nutritionists and psychologists in the dining area, further fostering a sense of community.

    Healeat: the map of a tailored and supportive shopping environment

    The supermarket's physical layout is designed to foster a soothing environment, with few main shelves where foods are divided by categories. An info desk is placed for additional assistance. Our products will have, on average, a 5% - 10% markup due to being organic and tailored to meet specific needs. With a footprint of 6781 square feet, this innovative concept envisions a future where the supermarket transforms the landscape of health-conscious retail on a global scale, starting from its roots in Berlin, Germany. Berlin, renowned for its vibrant and diverse population, was chosen as the first location due to its high incidence rates of autoimmune diseases and stress levels, and its reputation as a trendsetting city. The dynamic urban center provides an ideal testing ground for Healeat, aligning with the city's progressive ethos and health-conscious community. By redefining the retail experience, our supermarket aims to integrate physical, mental, and emotional well-being, offering not just products but a supportive community that nurtures overall health and wellness. With an initial focus on Berlin, we envision a future where this innovative concept transforms the landscape of health-conscious retail on a global scale.


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