J.Lab: fashion made by you

    • Università: Bocconi
    • Docenti:

      Fabrizio Zerbini

    • Studenti:

      Arianna Campanella, Aleksandra Gnatenko, Camilla Manerba, Josè Marco Paganoni, Beatriz Pessoa, Giovanni Riga

    J.Lab is a social media and an e-commerce for customized jeans. It allows users to explore and publish the content, shop and create their own designs all in one app.
    The main garment available for purchase on J.Lab are jeans. Why do we focus on one garment? Jeans might be the most popular and resistant fashion trend in the past decades. Focusing on jeans only we are able to provide a deep and always up-to-date assortment without complicating the shopping experience. Considering the recent worldwide trend for customizable clothing, it is a great source of value to consumers and of the J.Lab differentiation from the competitors.

    The mission of J.Lab is to create a community where anyone is free to express themselves
    through fashion with no judgment by designing or dressing the way they deem beautiful.
    Why is it relevant? While the demand for apparel is recovering from the pandemic crisis, online is gaining share in apparel distribution. Consumers are increasingly shopping on social media and seek customizable apparel. In fact, according to Deloitte, “fully customizable apparel could claim 10 to 30% of market share by 2030”.
    Who are the customers? Based on data, the majority of online shoppers are students and
    professional workers aged 16-41. Based on their motives they can be classified in 5 purchase behaviors. 3 of them: “Fashion Icon”, “Mission Fit-In” and “Recharge and Enjoy”, who seek, respectively, ways to follow the trends and dress in a unique way or dress according to their peers or simply entertain themselves while shopping, will find a great value in the J.Lab app.
    What is inside? To measure the quality of consumer experience and the business
    performance, we have adapted the classic “Walk the door, Stay as long as possible, Come back anytime” to the digital world and set corresponding KPIs.

    Walking the door: The first KPI set for J.Lad is the number of users registered per month. Online promotion on social media and offline promotion on city-billboards and in magazines are aimed to attract the new users. Additionally, the incumbent users are rewarded with a bonus for bringing in friends through the referral link. The user begins their journey in the J.Lab community by creating a profile and adding personal information to later receive personalized suggestions in their feed. They create their avatar by taking precise body measures with their phone or uploading them manually, and select the appearance features.

    Staying as long as possible: The time spent online per day and the number of designs
    created by a user are the two key KPIs that we accomplish by allowing the user to interact with the merchandise and encouraging them to create new and popular designs. The activities
    available are:

    • Read the daily feed of fashion news, trends and tips and watch the designs created by
      the subscriptions;
    • See what designs are trending this week (most ordered);
    • Like, comment, share designs;
    • Publish fashion ideas, photos or message other users in private;
    • Try on any design of jeans on the avatar (publishing is not possible until the purchase);
    • Create looks on the avatar using any jeans design and J.Lab basics (branded T-shirts,
      jackets and accessories);
    • Publish your avatar or your photo in a new pair of jeans (after the purchase);
    • Create and publish new jeans design;
    • Gain followers, generate orders with designs created and start making profits through a Compensation Program*.

    Coming back: Finally, we seek to increase the time online and the number of purchases per user by bringing the users back to the platform through:

    • Notifications on a like or a comment to their post;
    • Notifications on new designs that perfectly fit their avatar and profile;
    • Notifications about the items in the shopping cart.

    * The Compensation Program is an effort of J.Lab to support the most talented and popular designers on the platform. Any designer, who generates regular monthly orders is able to
    receive a compensation from the J.Lab based on the total value of orders generated.
    Why choose J.Lab over cheaper custom jeans or unconventional premium brands? J.Lab
    provides the highest level of customization on the market for a price lower than that of a typical premium brand.

    Is “bought from Social Media'' = “No name” ? While a design for the jeans may be created by any talented member of the community, J.Lab brand is what gives them their core value. Unique and stylish designs are hardly enough to establish brand loyalty, since what customers truly appreciate are consistent high quality, excellent service and customer care, brand history, purpose and commitment to its values. That is why J.Lab takes the property rights for every design published on the platform and, once entrusted with an order, takes full responsibility to provide impeccable quality and service.

    Even more: By purchasing from the J.Lab brand one becomes a member of a community that stands for free, unlimited fashion and creative self-expression. This mission constitutes the meaning and value behind the J.Lab label.


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